Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Weekend (when you are supposed to having fun!)...

This began (2 long episodes ago) has a plea to anyone - really me just talking to myself, that having this crisis at age 34 is a major killjoy. To catch up, its all in the previous posts.

So what do job-seekers and people in a 1/3 life crisis mode do on the weekends? Well we search for jobs and are yes, still in crisis mode. Sure a little red wine helps, but finding a career is a seven day a week ordeal. We don't get days or hours off. Sure we can take them but what good is that. Don't get me wrong, I do take breaks from time to time to relax - yesterday I planted seeds in the garden pots which will eventually be transplanted. I love being outside - I am a firm believer that no matter what your situation, you MUST take as much time as you cab afford (be it 1 minute or 10 hrs or 2 weeks, enjoying the world - looking at the bright side - watching a pond ripple). Today I mowed probably 2 miles of trails at our farm. Mowing is actually very therapeutic (sic - not looking it up) for me. I enjoy all th trails around the ponds and wooded areas and know that soon, all the fields will be grown up higher than my head and the trails will be a wonderful get-away for fishing, picnics or just exploring. It was a great day. Yes I also go through my Linked-In, Monster account and all the emails I receive seeing if anything matches - NO, assistant shift manager at Arby's 16 miles away isn't a match (nothing wrong with fast food joints and hell they are jobs, but when you factor in my time, gas, and of course my incredible salary, or hourly in this case, I break even and lets face it, I wouldnt stay). Search engines need to try a little harder on the match thing - god knows I am looking.

I am finished for this evening. I just spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to print a $1 off cat litter coupon for our two cats to try to save money. Its amazing how much time and effort we will waste to do such things. Factor in the electricity to run this computer, internet (which is a must have to find a job - oh and print coupons), time it took me when I could have been doing something more productive and I bet that $1 just wasn't really worth it. To top it off, my gf left without the coupon... Oh I have to laugh...what desperate measures will cause one to do...

So this episode is short this lovely warm evening. People are grilling outside. Its quiet, my eyes are burning from the dust from mowing but its worth it!

More writing soon and thanks to my gf for reading this - so far no one seems to identify yet with me...are you out there - anyone (cricket). Between leftovers and redbox it should actually be a pleasant evening....

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